Serving Roseville & Placer County, Squeaky Clean offers expert cleaning solutions for both homes and businesses. From carpets to windows and holiday lighting, we make your spaces shine.
Our team of professionals specializes in exterior and interior window washing. From your mom and pop shop to your large commercial building, or from your mobile home to your custom home, Squeaky Clean can do it all.
Our expertise extends beyond window cleaning. We also specialize in gutter cleaning, power washing, solar panel cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, duct cleaning, awning cleaning, yard cleaning, and window screen repair.
No matter what your home or commercial building needs, Squeaky Clean is here to help. So, give us a call and see what we can do for you
We provide comprehensive residential and commercial cleaning services, including carpet and tile cleaning, window and gutter maintenance, pressure washing, solar panel cleaning, yard cleanup, and junk removal. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, customized solutions to keep your space spotless and well-maintained.
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